On the occasion of the upcoming New Year, 2025, the Mayor of Zvornik, Bojan Ivanović, sent a greeting to all the citizens of Zvornik. "Dear fellow citizens, the New Year is a new beginning, a new hope and an opportunity to achieve your visions and goals, to respond to...
Odbornici skupštine grada usvojili nacrt budžeta za 2025. godinu
Na prvoj redovnoj sjednici Skupštine grada odbornici su raspravljali o 16 tačaka dnevnogreda, a većinom glasova usvojili su Nacrt budžeta za 2025. godinu u iznosu od 55.936.400 konvertibilnih maraka. Gradonačelnik Zvornika Bojan Ivanović istakao je da je riječ o...
Mayor Stevanović announced that he has accepted the mandate of a deputy: Today is my last working day in the City Administration
The mayor of Zvornik, Zoran Stevanović, held today the last conference as the first man of the city. He announced that he has accepted the mandate of a deputy in the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska. "This practically means that today is my last working day...
Zvornik encourages the development of a favorable business environment
At the recently held "Partnership for a Competitive Region" conference in Dubrovnik, representatives of the City of Zvornik were presented with an award under the Business Favorable Environment Certification Program in Southeast Europe (BFC SEE). According to Dragana...
City of Zvornik at the Second Investment Conference in Prijedor
Representatives of the City of Zvornik participated in the Second Investment Conference "INVEST SRPSKA 2022" in Prijedor, organized by the Investment and Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Srpska. The...
Narednih dana počinje rekonstrucija Centralnog spomen obilježja
Početak radova na rekonstrukciji Centralnog spomen obilježje u Zvorniku očekuje se u narednih nekoliko dana. Cijeli prostor dobiće novi, ljepši izgled, a biće rekonstruisan i spomenik za poginule borce u poslednjem ratu. Radovi će trajati 60 dana, a sredstva su...
Gradonačelnik i predstavnici IOM-a razgovarali o saradnji
Gradonačelnik Zvornika Zoran Stevanović razgovarao je danas sa šeficom Kancelarije Međunarodne organizacije za migracije u Banjaluci (IOM) Kristinom Šešlija o projektima koje finansira Ambasada Norveške, a koji se odnose na nevladine organizacije i domove zdravlja...
“Fortress Night” in Zvornik
On Friday, April 29, starting at 8:00 PM, an open-air film screening will be organized at the Đurđev grad Fortress in Zvornik as part of the regional event "Night of the Fortress". The event "Night of the Fortress" is part of the project "Improvement of cross-border...
Application for reporting illegal dumps developed
Public scientific research institution “Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska” is implementing the project "Improvement of the capacity of public waste management services in the cross-border region", and one of the activities is the...
Gradonačelnik Stevanović o izborima u Srbiji i povećanom prisustvu pripadnika PU u Gradskoj upravi
Gradonačelnik Zvornika Zoran Stevanović pozvao je danas sugrađane koji imaju dvojno državljanstvo i prijavili su se za glasanje iz inostranstva da u nedelju, 3. aprila, izađu na izbore koji se održavaju u Srbiji. On je na konferenciji za novinare rekao da će na...
Mayor’s New Year’s Greetings
On the occasion of the upcoming New Year, 2025, the Mayor of Zvornik, Bojan Ivanović, sent a greeting to all the citizens of Zvornik. "Dear fellow citizens, the New Year is a new beginning, a new hope and an opportunity to achieve your visions and goals, to respond to...
Odbornici skupštine grada usvojili nacrt budžeta za 2025. godinu
Na prvoj redovnoj sjednici Skupštine grada odbornici su raspravljali o 16 tačaka dnevnogreda, a većinom glasova usvojili su Nacrt budžeta za 2025. godinu u iznosu od 55.936.400 konvertibilnih maraka. Gradonačelnik Zvornika Bojan Ivanović istakao je da je riječ o...
Mayor Stevanović announced that he has accepted the mandate of a deputy: Today is my last working day in the City Administration
The mayor of Zvornik, Zoran Stevanović, held today the last conference as the first man of the city. He announced that he has accepted the mandate of a deputy in the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska. "This practically means that today is my last working day...
Zvornik encourages the development of a favorable business environment
At the recently held "Partnership for a Competitive Region" conference in Dubrovnik, representatives of the City of Zvornik were presented with an award under the Business Favorable Environment Certification Program in Southeast Europe (BFC SEE). According to Dragana...
City of Zvornik at the Second Investment Conference in Prijedor
Representatives of the City of Zvornik participated in the Second Investment Conference "INVEST SRPSKA 2022" in Prijedor, organized by the Investment and Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Srpska. The...
Narednih dana počinje rekonstrucija Centralnog spomen obilježja
Početak radova na rekonstrukciji Centralnog spomen obilježje u Zvorniku očekuje se u narednih nekoliko dana. Cijeli prostor dobiće novi, ljepši izgled, a biće rekonstruisan i spomenik za poginule borce u poslednjem ratu. Radovi će trajati 60 dana, a sredstva su...
Gradonačelnik i predstavnici IOM-a razgovarali o saradnji
Gradonačelnik Zvornika Zoran Stevanović razgovarao je danas sa šeficom Kancelarije Međunarodne organizacije za migracije u Banjaluci (IOM) Kristinom Šešlija o projektima koje finansira Ambasada Norveške, a koji se odnose na nevladine organizacije i domove zdravlja...
“Fortress Night” in Zvornik
On Friday, April 29, starting at 8:00 PM, an open-air film screening will be organized at the Đurđev grad Fortress in Zvornik as part of the regional event "Night of the Fortress". The event "Night of the Fortress" is part of the project "Improvement of cross-border...
Application for reporting illegal dumps developed
Public scientific research institution “Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska” is implementing the project "Improvement of the capacity of public waste management services in the cross-border region", and one of the activities is the...
Gradonačelnik Stevanović o izborima u Srbiji i povećanom prisustvu pripadnika PU u Gradskoj upravi
Gradonačelnik Zvornika Zoran Stevanović pozvao je danas sugrađane koji imaju dvojno državljanstvo i prijavili su se za glasanje iz inostranstva da u nedelju, 3. aprila, izađu na izbore koji se održavaju u Srbiji. On je na konferenciji za novinare rekao da će na...